для людей з порушеннями зору
Державний професійно-технічний навчальний заклад "Західно-Дніпровський центр професійно-технічної освіти"



Our STATE ADMINISTRATION STATEVOCATIONAL TRAINING EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION «WEST- DNIPROVSKYI CENTRE OF VOCATIONAL-TRAINING EDUCATION» is the state establishment of Professional and Technical Education of the third attestation level, which began its history in 1877. It is the only one establishment of Professional and Technical Education in  Dnipropetrovsk region with such a remarkable history, which in a few years will celebrate its first 150th anniversary.

Professional training:

     Education is carried out on the basis of basic general secondary education (9 classes) with a period of study of 3 and 3.5 years (with getting a full secondary education) and 2 years (without getting a full secondary education) and full secondary education (11 classes) with a period of study of 1 year. After finishing  the vocational school, students receive a diploma of a skilled worker and a certificate of complete general secondary education.

The center has an unlimited license and trains qualified workers in the following professions:


" Electric and gas welder. Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines. Controller of welding works"

Automobile transport:

"Fitter on  repairing wheeled vehicles. Motor transport   driver. Driver of motor transport (categories B, C)"


 "Plasterer. Painter"

 "Painter. Plasterer. Tiler»

Food Industry:

"Cook. Confectioner"

Agricultural branch:

"Tractor-machinist of agricultural production (categories A1, A2, B1). Fitter on  repairing of  agricultural machines and equipment. Driver of motor transport (categories B and C)"

Mining industry:

"Excavator driver. Electric fitter (fitter) on duty and equipment repairing. Electric and gas welder"

General for all branches of the economy:

"Electric fitter on repairing and maintenance of electrical equipment. Electric welder of manual welding".


Besides of the initial professional training, the center provides training and retraining services for  adult population. According to contracts with individuals and legal persons, according to professions:

"Driver of motor transport (categories "A, B, C")";

"Tractor-machinist of agricultural production (categories "A1, A2, B1")"


The total project capacity of the educational establishment is 1,360 people.

Special attention is paid to the creation of appropriate conditions to ensure equal access to quality professional education.

The organization of the educational process in the center is provided by: the headmaster, vice principals, heads of departments, senior masters, methodologists, practical psychologist, head of physical education, educators, librarians, teachers and masters of industrial training. Among the teaching staff, many teachers have the qualification category "specialist of the highest category" and the pedagogical title of "teacher-methodologist", masters have higher tariff categories and the titles of "master of industrial training of the II category" and "master of industrial training of the I category".


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Material-technical base

During later years, as part of the modernization of the material and technical base of the center, the following  equipment was purchased (at the expense of our own funds): a lawn mower, a water heater, bed linen and furniture for the hostel, a walk-behind tractor, office equipment, stoves and refrigerators for the hostel, electrical equipment and equipment for educational workshops, soft equipment for the hostel, agricultural equipment (tractor, planter, vehicle for the planter, harrow, plow, cultivator, sprayer), household equipment (circular pumps, meter); complete replacement of overhead power lines was carried out, individual heating was installed (building 3), partial modernization of the heating network was carried out.

Ramps for people with limited mobility have been installed near the center's educational buildings and dormitories. The simplest shelters are equipped. An automatic air warning system has been installed (building 1). Capital repairing of the fourth floor of the hostel for students in building 3 was carried out at the expense of investors. The computer equipment was purchased, etc.



Pedagogical workers are active participants in regional seminars and webinars, conferences, educational exhibitions, regional and all-Ukrainian competitions, they have many prize places  and actively involve young people in participation in Olympiads and competitions, in active social activities.

Every year our students are winners of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in subjects of general education, Internet Olympiads in professional fields, regional competitions in various fields.

Among the latter:  the 3rd place in the regional Internet Olympiad for the profession "Driver of motor transport",  the 3rd place in the Gastronomic video contest "Cakes of Ukraine", the  2nd place in the game "Battle of Draftsmen", nomination "The Smartest Draftsman",  the 1st place in the regional virtual competition of teams of ecological enlightenment "The Earth is our common home" among regional education winners,  the 2nd place in the regional competition for Web- design and the regional competition of computer graphics and animation,  the 2nd place in the regional competition "New Year's composition" (nomination "Stylized Christmas tree") and  the 3rd place in the nomination "New Year's Wreath", etc. According to  results of the participation of students in the II regional stage in the 2023/2024 academic year: Ukrainian language and literature - two I places, foreign (English) language - III place, mathematics - I, III places, biology - III place.

As a result of joint and coordinated work, the center has a number of significant achievements. Among them, participation in International and All-Ukrainian exhibitions: 2017-2018 years – gold and silver medals; 2018-2019 – two gold medals; 2019-2020- gold medal; 2020-2021 - Grand Prix "Leader of Professional and Technical establishments". Another notable achievement is the setting of Ukrainian records, which are entered in the National Register: the first culinary record was set in 2013, then in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018. In autumn 2021, during the participation in the regional forum "Business Agro Invest-2021", a national record was set - "The largest grain map of  Dnipropetrovsk region".

Based on the results of the team's work, the center received many thanks and certificates for the high-quality organization of the educational process. Among them are thanks from the Educational and methodological center of vocational and technical education in Dnipropetrovsk region: "For  active participation of teaching staff in regional competitive competitions among teachers in the 2022/2023 academic year", "For  purposeful work of  teaching staff on the effective preparation of students for Internet Olympiads in subjects of the professional and theoretical cycle in 2022/2023 years ", "For  creation of conditions in creative self-realization of students at  Small Academy of Sciences in accordance with their interests and abilities in scientific and research work in 2022/2023 years." "For purposeful systematic work of the teaching staff and effective participation in contests organized within the framework of cooperation of the Educational and methodological center of vocational and technical education in Dnipropetrovsk region with the public organization  "Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Dnipro City" and the Public Association  "GASTRO CLUB" in 2022/2023 years.

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International cooperation

Our educational establishment supports and develops international cooperation, which has been ongoing since 2013. Thus, in 2018, within the framework of international cooperation in the field of professional education with the Wholesale and Retail Sectoral Practical Training Center of Šiauliai (Republic of Lithuania), the students presented their own culinary masterpieces, which were included in the book "Friendly Recipes", and in 2019, the students and masters  of industrial training  completed internships in Vilnius and Klaipeda.

In   2023/2024 academic year, the youth company "Dush A" from the  State Vocational school «Western-Dnieper Center of Professional and Technical Education»  took part in the "Junior EXPO-2024" entrepreneurship fair as part of the International JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT program held in Kyiv.

During the year, three masters of industrial training were trained by a group of organizers of dual training with the participation of specialists from Germany and managers of Ford, the Educational and methodological center of vocational and technical education in Dnipropetrovsk region.

Within the framework of the "Fast track to employment" project, which was implemented in cooperation with the German organization SEQVA as part of the "GIZ Skills4Recovery" program, short-term courses were held for 15 people in the profession of "Tractor-machinist of agricultural production (category "A2")".

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Contact Information:

St. Solovyova 1, Saksagan village, Dnipropetrovsk region, 52173.

tel.  068-965-72-40

e-mail: zdcpto@gmail.com


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